Hi! I'm Aaron! 🎉
I listened to 100 audiobooks in a single month!
I've been listening to audiobooks for a few years, and they've completely changed my life.Audiobooks have opened my eyes to new worlds, new ideas, and new people. When I'm listening to books, I feel as if it's the most valuable way I can spend my time.That's why I decided to do nothing but listen to books for a whole month! I set aside the entire month of March 2020 to fully immerse myself and open my eyes to the fullest.I finished War and Peace (book #100) on March 31st at 11pm - just an hour to spare!This had never been done before (as far as I can tell), and I'm so grateful to everyone who recommended their favorite books, followed the journey on Twitter and Instagram, and supported me through the process! I couldn't have done it without you!

Check out my other projects at http://aaronmayer.me/ or click on the social links: